
Even liaison classes generated by Gorenstein linkage. (English) Zbl 0933.14030

This paper, which is part of the author’s Habilitationsschrift, has as main idea to consider equivalence classes of equidimensional subschemes of an arithmetically Gorenstein subscheme generated by linkage via arithmetically Gorenstein subschemes and to show that several results established for subschemes linked via complete intersections remain true in this frame. The paper is written using an algebraic language. In sections 3-5 the tools used usually in liaison theory are generalized to this setting. Then in sections 6-7 it is shown how these tools give the results of liaison theory for ideals of codimension 2: Rao correspondence and Lazarsfeld-Rao property. In the last sections, open problems concerning extensions of the results to liaison classes of ideals of codimension 3 are discussed.


14M06 Linkage
13C40 Linkage, complete intersections and determinantal ideals
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