
On recovering density in a plane domain from incomplete spectral data. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0934.35208

J. Math. Sci., New York 96, No. 4, 3419-3422 (1999); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 239, 218-224 (1997).
Summary: The inverse spectral problem of recovering density in a bounded domain is considered. The first \(N\) eigenvalues and traces on the boundary of the normal derivatives of the eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet problem are considered as the input data. It is shown that the error of the density recovery does not exceed \(c\ln^{-\beta}N\), where \(c\) and \(\beta\) are certain positive constants.


35R30 Inverse problems for PDEs
35J05 Laplace operator, Helmholtz equation (reduced wave equation), Poisson equation
35P05 General topics in linear spectral theory for PDEs
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