
Finite Dehn surgery on knots. (English) Zbl 0936.57010

This paper studies the problem which Dehn surgery on a knot in a closed orientable 3-manifold can produce 3-manifolds wilh finite [resp. cyclic] fundamental group. Such a surgery is called a finite [resp. cyclic] surgery and its surgery slope is called a finite [resp. cyclic] surgery slope. It is shown that if the exterior \(M\) of a knot \(K\) is hyperbolic, then (1) there are at most six finite/cyclic surgeries on \(K\), and the distance between two finite/cyclic surgery slopes of \(K\) is at most 5; (2) the distance between a finite/cyclic surgery slope and a cyclic surgery slope of \(K\) is at most 2. The result (1) sharply improves the bounds obtained by S. A. Bleiler and C. D. Hodgson [Topology 35, No. 3, 809-833 (1996; Zbl 0863.57009)] by using the \(2\pi\) theorem of Gromov and Thurston. Moreover, the authors conjecture that the number 5 in (1) is replaced with 3. Further results of the case when \(K\) is a knot in \(S^3\) are also obtained.
The approach in this paper follows that developed by M. Culler, C. McA. Gordon, J. Luecke and P. B. Shalen [Ann. Math., II. Ser. 125, 237-300 (1987; Zbl 0633.57006)] for analyzing cyclic surgery slopes, and sharp bounds on the Culler-Shalen norm of finite surgery slopes are obtained.
Studies of the case when \(M\) contains an essential torus are also contained. In particular, it is shown that a satellite knot \(K\) in \(S^3\) admits a non-trivial finite cyclic surgery, then \(K\) is a cabled knot over a torus knot: this gives the complete classification of finite surgeries on satellite knots in \(S^3\). The paper also fcontains various examples which show the extent to which the results are sharp.
Reviewer: M.Sakuma (Osaka)


57M25 Knots and links in the \(3\)-sphere (MSC2010)
57R65 Surgery and handlebodies
57N10 Topology of general \(3\)-manifolds (MSC2010)
57M50 General geometric structures on low-dimensional manifolds
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