
Weak convergence to the coalescent in neutral population models. (English) Zbl 0938.92024

For a large class of discrete time models the ancestry of a sample of \(n\) individuals (or gens) from the current population having total size \(N\) can be traced back, under suitable time-scaling, when \(N\to\infty\); see, e.g., the author’s paper, ibid. 35, No. 2, 438-447 (1998; Zbl 0913.60022), and references therein. Having established in that work the convergence of finite-dimensional distributions of the ancestral process to those of the n-coalescent (i.e., a certain-continuous time Markov chain), the author shows that under the same assumptions the weak convergence in \(D_E([0,\infty))\) occurs. Here \(E\) is the set of all equivalence relations on \(\{1,\ldots,n\}\) and \(D_E([0,\infty))\) is the set of all E-valued cadlag functions on \([0,\infty)\).
This result, besides the classical exchangeable models, covers models with deterministic variable populations and possibly non-exchangeable offspring variables. It is used to approximate hitting probabilities of the time-scaled ancestral process. A certain type of mutation process can also be imposed upon the genealogical process.


92D10 Genetics and epigenetics
60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems
60G35 Signal detection and filtering (aspects of stochastic processes)


Zbl 0913.60022
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