Ainsworth, Mark; McLean, William; Tran, Thanh The conditioning of boundary element equations on locally refined meshes and preconditioning by diagonal scaling. (English) Zbl 0947.65125 SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 36, No. 6, 1901-1932 (1999). The authors consider the Galerkin boundary element method applied to weakly singular and hypersingular integral equations based on a discretization by standard nodal basis functions with respect to a locally refined mesh. To cope with the possibly badly conditioned stiffness matrix, they suggest a diagonal preconditioner formed from the entries on the diagonal of the stiffness matrix. That diagonal scaling results in a condition number of the preconditioned system comparable to that for a uniform partition. Reviewer: R.H.W.Hoppe (München) Cited in 42 Documents MSC: 65N38 Boundary element methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs 65N50 Mesh generation, refinement, and adaptive methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs 45E10 Integral equations of the convolution type (Abel, Picard, Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf type) 65R20 Numerical methods for integral equations 35J25 Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic equations 65F35 Numerical computation of matrix norms, conditioning, scaling Keywords:Galerkin boundary element method; locally refined meshes; preconditioning; weakly singular and hypersingular integral equations; condition number × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI