
Adaptive covariance estimation of locally stationary processes. (English) Zbl 0949.62082

Let \(X(t)\) be a real-valued zero-mean process with covariance \(R(t,s)= EX(t)X(s)\). The covariance operator is defined for any \(f\in L^2(R)\) by \[ Tf(t)= \int^\infty_{-\infty} R(t,s)f(s)ds. \] It is shown that the covariance operator of a locally stationary process has approximate eigenvectors that are local cosine functions. The problem of estimation of covariance operators with a “best” basis search is treated. Fast numerical algorithms and their application to examples of locally stationary processes are described.


62M15 Inference from stochastic processes and spectral analysis
60G15 Gaussian processes
60G12 General second-order stochastic processes
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