
The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem for group scheme actions. (English) Zbl 0951.14029

This is a revised version of a previous paper by the author [B. Köck, “The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem in the higher \(K\)-theory of group scheme actions”, Habilitationsschrift (Karlsruhe 1995)]. Let \(K_{q}(G,X)\) denote the \(q\)th equivariant \(K\)-group of the \(G\)-scheme \(X\), where \(G\) is a flat group scheme. Let \(K(G,X)\) be the direct sum of all these \(K_{q}(G,X)\)’s. The objective is to compute the Euler characteristic, i.e. the push-forward homomorphism \(f_{\ast }:K(G,Y)\rightarrow K(G,X),\) where \(X\) and \(Y\) are \(G\)-schemes and \(f:Y\rightarrow X\) is a \(G\)-projective local complete intersection morphism. The first theorem is the equivariant Adams-Riemann-Roch formula proved here. The first states that \(\psi ^{j}f_{\ast }(y)=f_{\ast }(\theta ^{j}(f)^{-1}\psi ^{j}(y))\) in \(\widehat{K}(G,X)[ j^{-1}]\), where \(y\in K(G,Y), j\geq 1,\) and \(\theta ^{j}(f)\) is the \(j\)th equivariant Bott element associated with \(f\). The second theorem, the equivariant Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula, examines the behavior of a certain Chern character ch, and it is shown that ch\((f_{\ast }(y))=\)Gr\((f_{\ast })_{\mathbb Q}\)(Td\((f)\cdot \)ch\((y))\), where Td\((f)\) is the Todd class of \(f.\) This theorem, the equivariant version of a theorem proved for \(K_{0}\)-groups by Grothendieck and by Soulé for higher \(K\)-groups, depends on a pair of conjectures being true, one concerning the \(\lambda \)-structure on higher \(K\)-theory and the other concerning Grothendieck groups.
Finally, applications are given. As a corollary to the equivariant Adams-Riemann-Roch formula, it is shown that for \(A\) a commutative ring and \(H\) a subgroup of the finite group \(G\) the induced representation \(A\left[ G/H\right] \) is invariant under the Adams operations \(\psi ^{j}\) when viewed as an element of \(\widehat{K}_{0}(G,A)\left[ j^{-1}\right] .\)
Reviewer: Alan Koch (Austin)


14L30 Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients)
14C40 Riemann-Roch theorems
14C35 Applications of methods of algebraic \(K\)-theory in algebraic geometry
19E20 Relations of \(K\)-theory with cohomology theories


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