
Mathematical physics. Problems of quantum field theory. Collection of papers. On the occasion of the 65th birthday of Academician Lyudvig Dimitrievich Faddeev. (Matematicheskaya fizika. Problemy kvantovoj teorii polya. Sbornik statej. K 65-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Lyudviga Dmitrievicha Faddeeva.) (Russian, English) Zbl 0952.00069

Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova. 226. Moskva: Nauka. Moskva: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodika. 239 p. (1999).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Jackiw, R.; Polychronakos, A. P., Dynamical Poincaré symmetry realized by field-dependent diffeomorphisms [Zbl 0982.70021]
Faddeev, L. D., What is modern mathematical physics, 1-4 [Zbl 0977.00008]
Aref’eva, I. Ya., On the background method and the renormalization of the Dirichlet functional in AdS/CFT duality, 5-19 [Zbl 0981.81034]
Arnol’d, V. I., Simple singularities of curves, 27-35 [Zbl 0991.32015]
Bogolyubov, N. M.; Izergin, A. G.; Kitanin, N. A.; Pron’ko, A. G., The probabilities of survival and hopping of states in the phase model on a finite lattice, 36-48 [Zbl 1056.82501]
Boiti, M.; Pempinelli, F.; Pogrebkov, A.; Prinari, B., Bäcklund and Darboux transformations for the nonstationary Schrödinger equation, 42-62 [Zbl 1056.37511]
Kashaev, R. M., Liouville central charge in quantum Teichmüller theory, 63-71 [Zbl 0982.81047]
Korepin, V. E.; Slavnov, N. A., The form factors in a finite volume, 72-85 [Zbl 1056.82503]
Kulish, P. P.; Mudrov, A. I., Twist-related geometries on \(q\)-Minkowski space, 86-99 [Zbl 0982.81026]
Maslov, V. P.; Shvedov, O. Yu., On the elimination of the Stueckelberg divergences in the Hamiltonian field theory, 112-133 [Zbl 0981.81047]
Slavnov, A. A., Multifield formulation of lattice gauge theories, 127-137 [Zbl 0989.81087]
Sklyanin, E. K., Canonicity of Bäcklund transformation: \(r\)-matrix approach. II., 134-139 [Zbl 1056.37512]
Fock, V. V.; Chekhov, L. O., Quantum mapping class group, pentagon relation, and geodesics, 149-163 [Zbl 0983.32021]
Tarasov, V. O., Combinatorial identities related to representations of \(U_q(\widetilde{\mathfrak g\mathfrak l}_2)\), 152-162 [Zbl 0971.33011]
Deser, S., Physicomathematical interactions: The Chern-Simons story, 164-169 [Zbl 0981.81005]
Flato, Moshé; Frønsdal, Christian; Sternheimer, Daniel, Singleton physics, 170-177 [Zbl 0981.81072]
Klauder, J. R., Product representations and the quantization of constrained systems, 197-207 [Zbl 0981.81031]
Mack, G., To gauge theory from a minimum of a priori structure, 208-216 [Zbl 0981.81056]
Niemi, A. J., Interacting knots, 217-224 [Zbl 0981.81055]


00B30 Festschriften
81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory
37-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to dynamical systems and ergodic theory

Biographic References:

Faddeev, L. D.