
Harmonic Bergman functions on the unit ball in \(\mathbb R^n\). (English) Zbl 0956.32004

The authors study harmonic Bergman functions on the unit ball \(B\) in \(\mathbb R^n\) and show that for the Bergman kernel \(K_\alpha(x,y)\) of the orthogonal projection of \(L^{2,\alpha-1}\) onto the harmonic Bergman space \(\ell^{2,\alpha-1}\) one has the estimation \[ |K_\alpha(x,y)|= O(|x-y|^{-n+1-\alpha}) \] for \(x\in B\) and \( y\in \partial B\). Also, they calculate the duals of \({\ell}^{p,\alpha-1}\) for all \(p>0\) and \(\alpha>0\).


32A25 Integral representations; canonical kernels (Szegő, Bergman, etc.)
58E20 Harmonic maps, etc.
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