
Geometry. (English) Zbl 0959.51001

Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. London: Springer. xii, 313 p. (2001).
The elementary geometry is the most accessible branch of mathematics since its ideas are essentially intuitive. Therefore geometry provides an easey route for teaching more complex ideas of mathematics. Following this point of view, the present book is intended to introduce readers to Geometry of Numbers, Coordinate Geometry, Geometry of Euclidean Plane, Geometry of Complex Numbers, Solid Geometry, Projective Geometry, Conics and Quadric Surfaces, Spherical Geometry, Quaternions and Octonions. To realize a balance of theory and examples, the text is distiled by a lot of exercices, with answers to most of them.
The book contains mathematical concepts of different levels, from the easiest to more complicated ones. Therefore it is addressed to a wide range of readers, interested in the major geometrical topics taught at undergraduate level.


51-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to geometry
97B40 Educational policy for higher education