Novoselova, S. M. Modes of the tectorial membrane, transversal eigenfunctions, and the origin of the outer hair cell oscillations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0968.74562 J. Math. Sci., New York 86, No. 3, 2747-2754 (1997); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 218, 138-148 (1994). Cited in 1 Document MSC: 74L15 Biomechanical solid mechanics 92C10 Biomechanics 74H45 Vibrations in dynamical problems in solid mechanics 74K15 Membranes Keywords:tectorial membrane; mammalian inner ear; system of weakly bent beams; anisotropic plate; cross-sectional eigenfunctions; fundamental eigenfrequency; outer hair cells × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML References: [1] De Boer, E., Auditory physics. Physical principles in hearing theory. III, Phys. Rep., 203, No. 3, 125-231 (1991) [2] LePage, E. L.; Reuter, G.; Hong, S.; Zenner, H. P.; Duifhuis, H.; Horst, J. W.; van Dijk, P.; van Netten, S. 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