Giroux, Emmanuel An infinity of tight contact structures on an infinity of manifolds. (Une infinité de structures de contact tendues sur une infinité de variétés.) (French) Zbl 0969.53044 Invent. Math. 135, No. 3, 789-802 (1999). It is well known that, in dimension 3, contact structures are classified in two classes: tight contact structures and overtwisted contact structures. A contact structure \(\xi\) is given as the kernel of a global 1-form \(\alpha\) with \(\alpha\wedge d\alpha\not=0\). We will say that a contact structure is tight if there is no embedded disk \(D\) which is tangent to \(\xi\) everywhere along the points of \(\delta D\) and it is said overtwisted otherwise. Y. Eliashberg [Ann. Inst. Fourier 42, No. 1-2, 165-192 (1992; Zbl 0756.53017)] classified the tight contact structures on the 3-ball \(D^3\), the 3-sphere \(S^3\), \(S^2\times S^1\) and \(\mathbb R^3\). In this paper, the author proves the following interesting result: there exists an infinity of tight structures on \(T^2\)-bundles over \(S^1\). Reviewer: David Martin de Diego (Madrid) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 22 Documents MSC: 53D10 Contact manifolds (general theory) 57M50 General geometric structures on low-dimensional manifolds Keywords:tight contact structure; \(T^2\)-bundles over \(S^1\) Citations:Zbl 0756.53017 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI