
Mathematics throughout the ages. Contributions from the summer school and seminars on the history of mathematics and from the 10th and 11th Novembertagung on the history and philosophy of mathematics, Prague, Czech Republic, October 28–31, 1999 and November 2–5, 2000. (English) Zbl 0976.00021

Dějiny Matematiky / History of Mathematics 17. Prague: Prometheus. 307 p., open access (2001).

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Contents: Witold Więsław, Squaring the circle in XVI–XVIII centuries (7–20); Witold Wiȩsław, Old algebraic treatises (21–36); Karel Mačák, On a small Comenius’ work Geometry and geodesy (37–50); Witold Więsław, Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII centuries (51–66); Magdalena Hykšová, Bolzano’s inheritance research in Bohemia (67–91); Eduard Fuchs, Otakar Borůvka and French mathematics (92–100); Witold Więsław, Mathematics at Polish universities (Cracow and Vilnius) in XVIII century (101–121); Pavla Drábková, Life and work of Prof. Miloš Kössler (122–130); Benno Klotzek, Stetigkeit und Unstetigkeit in der Geometrie [Continuity and discontinuity in geometry] (131–146); Peter C. Kjærgaard, Connections between history and philosophy of mathematics: informed frameworks, spontaneous philosophy, and philosophical challenges to mathematics (150–168); Tilman Sauer, Some remarks on Hilbert’s axiomatic method and the unity of science (169–177); Henrik Kragh Sørensen, Niels Henrik Abel: transformation and continuity of mathematics in the 1820s (178–185); Helena Durnová, Change in progress: notation and algorithms (186–195); Harald Gropp, “Vielleicht für menschliche Kräfte unausfürbar” – a mathematical proof of a Danish astronomer? (196–201); Witold Więsław, Beginnings of the calculus – the first published books (214–220); Frauke Böttcher, Mathematische und physikalische Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts für gebildete weibliche Laien [Mathematics and physics literature of the 18th century for educated female laymen] (221–231); Laura Rodríguez, Überlegungen zum Raumbegriff bei H. Poincaré und F. Riesz [Reflections on the concept of space in H. Poincaré and F. Riesz] (232–237); Harald Gropp, The development of notation in graph theory in different languages (238–243); Lada Stachovcová, Mathematicians on cryptology (244–249); Štěpánka Bilová, Lattice theory – its birth and life (250–257); Magdalena Hykšová, Life and work of Karel Rychlík (258–286); Ralf Krömer, The metaphor of tool and foundation of mathematics (287–295); Lenka Čechová, The first Czech textbooks on the differential geometry (296–305).
The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Wiȩsław, Witold, Squaring the circle in XVI-XVIII centuries, 7-20 [Zbl 0991.01005]
Wiȩsław, Witold, Old algebraical treatises, 21-36 [Zbl 1030.01003]
Mačák, Karel, On a small Comenius’ work “Geometry and geodesy”, 37-50 [Zbl 0991.01008]
Wiȩsław, Witold, Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII centuries, 51-66 [Zbl 0990.01002]
Hykšová, Magdalena, Bolzano’s inheritance research in Bohemia, 67-92 [Zbl 1029.01013]
Fuchs, Eduard, Otakar Borůvka and French mathematics, 93-100 [Zbl 0989.01025]
Wiȩsław, Witold, Mathematics at Polish universities (Cracow and Vilnius) in XVIII century, 101-122 [Zbl 0991.01010]
Drábková, Pavla, Life and work of Prof. Miloš Kössler., 123-130 [Zbl 1046.01506]
Klotzek, Benno, Continuity and discontinuity in geometry, 131-146 [Zbl 1001.01009]
Kjærgaard, Peter C., Connections between history and philosophy of mathematics. Informed frameworks, spontaneous philosophy, and philosophical challenges to mathematics. (Introduction to 10th Novembertagung)., 150-168 [Zbl 1033.01026]
Sauer, Tilman, Some remarks on Hilbert’s axiomatic method and the unity of science, 169-177 [Zbl 1030.01027]
Sørensen, Henrik Kragh, Niels Henrik Abel: Transformation and continuity of mathematics in the 1820s, 178-185 [Zbl 0986.01018]
Durnová, Helena, Change in progress: Notation and algorithms, 186-195 [Zbl 0990.01009]
Gropp, Harald, “Vielleicht für menschliche Kräfte unausführbar”. A mathematical proof of a Danish astronomer?, 196-201 [Zbl 1062.01018]
Wiȩsław, Witold, Beginnings of the calculus. The first published books, 214-220 [Zbl 0990.01003]
Böttcher, Frauke, Mathematical and physical literature in the 18th century for educated – female – laymen. Imparting mathematics and physics as an integral part of part of culture, 221-231 [Zbl 0990.01006]
Rodríguez, Laura, Reflections on the concept of space in H. Poincaré and F. Riesz, 232-237 [Zbl 0991.01013]
Gropp, Harald, The development of notation in graph theory in different languages, 238-243 [Zbl 1030.01039]
Stachovcová, Lada, Mathematicians on cryptology, 244-249 [Zbl 0997.01003]
Bilová, Štěpánka, Lattice theory. Its birth and life, 250-257 [Zbl 1009.01014]
Hykšová, Magdalena, Life and work of Karel Rychlík (1885–1968)., 258-286 [Zbl 1046.01011]
Krömer, Ralf, The metaphor of tool and foundation of mathematics, 287-295 [Zbl 1001.01019]
Čechová, Lenka, The first Czech textbooks on the differential geometry., 296-305 [Zbl 1046.01008]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
01-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to history and biography