El Bashir, R.; Hurt, J.; Jančařík, A.; Kepka, T. Simple commutative semirings. (English) Zbl 0976.16034 J. Algebra 236, No. 1, 277-306 (2001). A commutative semiring \(S\) is congruence-simple if and only if one of the following six cases holds: (1) the two-element semirings (which are not listed below), (2) the semiring \(V(G)\) where \(G\) is a multiplicative Abelian group, \(V(G)=G\cup\{0\}\), \(0x=0=x0\), \(x+x=x\), \(x+y=0\) for \(x\neq y\), (3) the semiring \(W(A)\) for any subsemigroup \(A\) of the additive group \(\mathbb{R}(+)\) of the reals \(\mathbb{R}\) with addition \(a+b=\min(a,b)\) and multiplication \(a*b=a+b\) such that \(A\cap\mathbb{R}^+\neq\emptyset\neq A\cap\mathbb{R}^-\), (4) fields, (5) zero-multiplication rings of finite prime order, (6) certain subsemirings of the positive real numbers \(\mathbb{R}^+\) subject to certain constraints. Also ideal-simple commutative semirings, semifields, parasemifields and finitely generated simple semirings are discussed. Reviewer: Richard Wiegandt (Budapest) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 33 Documents MSC: 16Y60 Semirings 12K10 Semifields Keywords:congruence-simple commutative semirings; ideal-simple commutative semirings; semifields; parasemifields; finitely generated simple semirings × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Baer, B., Zur Topologie der Gruppen, J. Reine Angew. Math., 160, 208-226 (1929) · JFM 55.0676.03 [2] Becker, E., Partial orders on a field and valuation rings, Comm. Algebra, 7, 1933-1976 (1979) · Zbl 0432.12011 [3] Becker, E.; Schwartz, N., Zum Darstellungsatz von Kadison-Dubois, Arch. Math., 40, 421-428 (1983) · Zbl 0514.12023 [4] Cartan, H., Une théorème sur les groupes ordonnés, Bull. Sci. Math., 63, 201-205 (1939) · JFM 65.1124.02 [5] Chion, J. V., Arhimedovski uporjadočennye kol’ca, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 9, 237-242 (1954) · Zbl 0056.26302 [6] Dubois, D. W., On partly ordered fields, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 7, 918-930 (1956) · Zbl 0071.26304 [7] Dubois, D. 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