Vesnin, A. Yu.; Mednykh, A. D.; Zimmermann, B. Surgeries on small volume hyperbolic 3-orbifolds. (Russian, English) Zbl 0977.57016 Sib. Mat. Zh. 42, No. 2, 1035-1051 (2001); translation in Sib. Math. J. 42, No. 2, 271-281 (2001). The goal is to study closed hyperbolic 3-orbifolds, obtained by the Dehn surgery on the cusps of noncompact hyperbolic 3-orbifolds of the smallest volumes, and the coverings of the orbifolds by hyperbolic 3-manifolds, obtained by the Dehn surgery on links. A connection with the hyperbolic 3-manifolds makes it possible to calculate the volumes of the orbifolds and their coverings using Jeff Weeks’ SnapPea program.The attention is focused on the three smallest hyperbolic 3-orbifolds with nonrigid cusp. These orbifolds were obtained by Colin C. Adams in [Mich. Math. J. 46, No. 3, 515-531 (1999; Zbl 0961.57010)]. The first of them is the well-known Picard orbifold. For these three orbifolds and their covering manifolds, the coverings diagrams are studied in detail. A connection between the parameters of the surgeries on the orbifolds and the corresponding manifolds is established and applied for calculating the volumes. Reviewer: M.V.Belolipetsky (Novosibirsk) Cited in 1 Document MSC: 57N10 Topology of general \(3\)-manifolds (MSC2010) 30F40 Kleinian groups (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization) 57M10 Covering spaces and low-dimensional topology Keywords:hyperbolic manifold; orbifold; volume of a hyperbolic orbifold; Dehn surgery Citations:Zbl 0961.57010 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML