
Quantum structures in Einstein general relativity. (English) Zbl 0977.83009

The author presents a generalization of the geometric covariant formulation of the Galilei classical mechanics and quantum mechanics on a curved spacetime. This generalization is related to the geometric quantization. He defines an Einstein general relativistic quantum structure in analogy to the known Galilean. This new quantum structure is a Hermitian complex line bundle over spacetime endowed with a universal connection having curvature proportional to the cosymplectic form. The classification and conditions for existence of such structures are shown. They are similar to those of Kostant Souriau. A novel feature is the inclusion of the topology of the spacetime. As examples the author discusses: Minkowski spacetime, Schwarzschild spacetime, Kerr-Newman spacetime, Dirac monopole, the Aharonov-Bohm effect.


83C15 Exact solutions to problems in general relativity and gravitational theory
53C05 Connections (general theory)
81S10 Geometry and quantization, symplectic methods
53C15 General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.)
55N05 Čech types
58A20 Jets in global analysis
14F40 de Rham cohomology and algebraic geometry
70H40 Relativistic dynamics for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics
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