
Integral points on elliptic curves defined by simplest cubic fields. (English) Zbl 0983.11031

For an integer \(m\) let \(f_m(X)=X^3 + mX^2 -(m+2)X +1\). If \(m^2+3m+9\) is square-free, then the cubic field defined by \(f_m(X)\) was called a simplest cubic field by D. Shanks [Math. Comput. 28, 1137-1152 (1974; Zbl 0307.12005)]. In the present paper the integral points lying on the elliptic curve \(E_m\) are studied, where \(E_m\) is defined by the equation \(Y^2 = f_m(X)\). Using the method developed by R. J. Stroeker and N. Tzanakis [Acta Arith. 67, 177-196 (1994; Zbl 0805.11026)], by J. Gebel, the reviewer and H. G. Zimmer [Acta Arith. 68, 171-192 (1994; Zbl 0816.11019)] and by N. Smart [Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 116, 391-399 (1994; Zbl 0817.11031)], all integral points lying on \(E_m\) are computed for \(1 \leq m \leq 1000\). From the experimental result, several observation are deduced. Some of them are proved in the second half of the paper.
The first general result is that if \(m\) is even, then there are no integral points on \(E_m\) with positive \(x\) coordinate. The point \([0,1]\) has infinite order in \(E_m({\mathbb Q})\). The most interesting result is that if \(f_m(X)\) generates a simplest cubic field, then \([0,1]\) is a generator of \(E_m({\mathbb Q})\). Moreover there are no other integral points on \(E_m\) that are positive multiples of \([0,1]\), apart from \(2[0,1]\) when \(m\) is odd. This means a complete characterization of integral points of \(E_m({\mathbb Q})\) whenever its rank is one. Infinite subfamilies of rank three and five are also given.


11G05 Elliptic curves over global fields
11Y50 Computer solution of Diophantine equations
11D25 Cubic and quartic Diophantine equations
14H52 Elliptic curves




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