Liu, Regina Y.; Parelius, Jesse M.; Singh, Kesar [Eddy, W. F.; Baggerly, K. A.; Scott, D. W.; Hettmansperger, T. P.; Oja, H.; Visuri, S.] Multivariate analysis by data depth: Descriptive statistics, graphics and inference. (With discussions and rejoinder). (English) Zbl 0984.62037 Ann. Stat. 27, No. 3, 783-858 (1999). Summary: A data depth can be used to measure the “depth” or “outlyingness” of a given multivariate sample with respect to its underlying distribution. This leads to a natural center-outward ordering of the sample points. Based on this ordering, quantitative and graphical methods are introduced for analyzing multivariate distributional characteristics such as location, scale, bias, skewness and kurtosis, as well as for comparing inference methods. All graphs are one-dimensional curves in the plane and can be easily visualized and interpreted.A “sunburst plot” is presented as a bivariate generalization of the box-plot. DD-(depth versus depth) plots are proposed and examined as graphical inference tools. Some new diagnostic tools for checking multivariate normality are introduced. One of them monitors the exact rate of growth of the maximum deviation from the mean, while the others examine the ratio of the overall dispersion to the dispersion of a certain central region. The affine invariance property of a data depth also leads to appropriate invariance properties for the proposed statistics and methods. Cited in 4 ReviewsCited in 261 Documents MSC: 62H05 Characterization and structure theory for multivariate probability distributions; copulas 62A09 Graphical methods in statistics 62-07 Data analysis (statistics) (MSC2010) 62J20 Diagnostics, and linear inference and regression Keywords:multivariate descriptive statistics; multivariate ordering; multivariate normality; depth ordering; depth-L-statistic; sunburst plots; DD-plots; data depth; location; scale; bias; skewness; kurtosis Software:AS 307 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] ANDERSON, T. 1984. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Wiley, New York. Z. · Zbl 0651.62041 [2] ANDREWS, D. 1972. Plots of high-dimensional data. Biometrics 28 125 136. Z. [3] ARCONES, M., CHEN, Z. and GINE, E. 1994. Estimators related to U-processes with applications to multivariate medians: asymptotic normality. Ann. 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Visuri, Koivunen Z. and Oja 1999 show that if the standardized eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix are c c and u,..., u, respectively, 1 p 1 p then c 1 c 1 and u,..., u are the standardized eigenvalues and 1 p 1 p the eigenvectors for the theoretical RCM. The sample RCM is more robust than the sample covariance matrix and, hence, provides a robust estimate of the underlying shape and orientation for the elliptical distribution. This, along with a robust estimate of Wilk’s generalized variance, can be used to robustly estimate. However, here we use only the standardized eigenvalues and the eigenvectors to define a robust version of depth. We next sketch the construction of the rank vector and corresponding sample RCM. We begin with p-dimensional data x,..., x. The volume of 1 n the p-variate simplex determined by x and p observation vectors with indices i i is 1 p [68] , shape C or orientation U. The log scale facilitates comparison of scale near the centers. 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