Bellido, José Carlos; Pedregal, Pablo Optimal design via variational principles: The one-dimensional case. (English) Zbl 0985.49006 J. Math. Pures Appl., IX. Sér. 80, No. 2, 245-261 (2001). In the one-dimensional case, the authors study some optimal control problems like optimal design or structural optimization problems. In order to avoid the non-local character of the state equation, they recast the problems in a purely variational format, and explore how far one can go in proving existence results or analyzing non-existence situations.The optimal control problem considered is: find \((u,y)\) such that \[ u\in\{v\in L^\infty(0,1) : v(x)\in K\text{ for a.e. }x\in(0,1)\}, \]\[ -(G(x,u(x),y(x),y'(x)))'=0\text{ in }(0,1),\;y(0)=y_0,\;y(1)=y_1, \]\[ \int_0^1V(x,u(x),y(x),y'(x))dx\leq\gamma \] which minimizes the cost \[ I(u,y)=\int_0^1F(x,u(x),y(x),y'(x))dx, \] where \(K\subseteq{\mathbb R}^n\), \(G\), \(V\) and \(F\) are Carathéodory functions, and \(y_0\), \(y_1\) and \(\gamma\) are given.Under suitable assumptions on the data, the authors prove an existence result for the above problem.Several particular examples are also investigated where remarks on the non-existence are included. Reviewer: Riccardo De Arcangelis (Napoli) Cited in 8 Documents MSC: 49J45 Methods involving semicontinuity and convergence; relaxation 49J30 Existence of optimal solutions belonging to restricted classes (Lipschitz controls, bang-bang controls, etc.) 49Q20 Variational problems in a geometric measure-theoretic setting Keywords:optimal control; existence/nonexistence of solutions; convexity × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI