Huang, Wen; Ye, Xiangdong Devaney’s chaos or 2-scattering implies Li-Yorke’s chaos. (English) Zbl 0997.54061 Topology Appl. 117, No. 3, 259-272 (2002). Let \(X\) be a compact metric space, \(f:X\to X\) be a continuous surjection. The authors consider the dynamical system induced on \(X\) by \(f\) and discuss relations between definitions of chaos introduced by Devaney and Li-Yorke as well as the notion of scattering and 2-scattering introduced by Blanchard, Host and Maas. In particular, it is proved that chaos in the sense of Devaney is stronger than that of Li and Yorke.In Sect. 1 (Introduction) necessary definitions are recalled (introduced) and some introductory propositions are proved. In particular, the notion of sensitivity, transitivity and total transitivity of \(f\) is defined and sensitivity is characterized by means of almost equicontinuity. Sect. 2 contains results on asymptotic relations. Proximal relation and scrambled sets are discussed in Sect. 3. Some applications of results proved in Sections 2 and 3 are given in Sect. 4. Theorem 4.1 says that if \(f\) is transitive (with \(X\) infinite) and there is a periodic point, then there is an uncountable scrambled set for \(f\). Moreover, if \(f\) is totally transitive, then \(f\) is densely chaotic in the sense of Li and Yorke. Thus, chaos in the sense of Devaney is stronger than that in the sense of Li and Yorke. From Theorem 4.3 it follows in particular that if \(f\) is 2-scattering then \(f\) has a dense, uncountable, scrambled set. In the ‘Appendix’ it is proved that some properties hold for homeomorphisms are true for continuous maps. Reviewer: Andrzej Pelczar (Kraków) Cited in 3 ReviewsCited in 181 Documents MSC: 54H20 Topological dynamics (MSC2010) 37B10 Symbolic dynamics 35B05 Oscillation, zeros of solutions, mean value theorems, etc. in context of PDEs Keywords:Devaney’s chaos; Li-Yorke chaos; proximal relations; scattering; sensitivity; transitivity; asymptotic relations; scrambled set × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Akin, E., The General Topology of Dynamical Systems (1993), American Mathematical Society: American Mathematical Society Providence, RI · Zbl 0781.54025 [2] Auslander, J., Minimal Flows and Their Extensions, North-Holland Math. Stud., 153 (1988), North-Holland: North-Holland Amsterdam · Zbl 0654.54027 [3] E. Akin, J. Auslander, E. Glasner, Residual properties and almost equicontinuity, Preprint, 1999; E. Akin, J. Auslander, E. 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