Fang, Hong-Bin; Fang, Kai-Tai; Kotz, Samuel The meta-elliptical distributions with given marginals. (English) Zbl 1002.62016 J. Multivariate Anal. 82, No. 1, 1-16 (2002); corrigendum ibid. 94, No. 1, 222-223 (2005). Let \(\xi_1,\xi_2,\dots\) be independent random variables with the common distribution \(F\) such that \(F((-\infty,0]) <1\), and \({\mathbf E}\xi_1\) exists and equals \(-a<0\). Put \(S_0=0\), \(S_n=\xi_1+ \cdots+\xi_n\) and \(M_n=\max \{S_k,\;0\leq k\leq n\}\). The main result is as follows.If the distribution of \(\xi_1 I\{\xi_1\geq 0\}\) is strongly subexponential, then \[ P(M_n\geq x)= \bigl(1+ \varepsilon_n(x) \bigr)a^{-1} \int_x^{x+na} F\bigl((u,\infty) \bigr) du, \] where \(\varepsilon_n(x)\to 0\) as \(x\to \infty\) uniformly in \(n\geq 1\). Reviewer: Aurel Spătaru (Bucureşti) Cited in 110 Documents MSC: 62E10 Characterization and structure theory of statistical distributions 60E05 Probability distributions: general theory 62H05 Characterization and structure theory for multivariate probability distributions; copulas Keywords:subexponential × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Barlow, R. E.; Proschan, F., Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing: Probability Models (1975), Holt, Rinehart & Winston: Holt, Rinehart & Winston New York · Zbl 0379.62080 [2] Dall’Aglio, G., Fréchet classes: The beginnings, (Dall’Aglio, G.; Kotz, S.; Salinetti, G., Advance in Probability Distributions with Given Marginals (1991), Kluwer Academic: Kluwer Academic Dordrecht), 1-12 · Zbl 0726.60001 [3] Dall’Aglio, G.; Kotz, S.; Salinetti, G., Advance in Probability Distributions with Given Marginals (1991), Kluwer Academic: Kluwer Academic Dordrecht · Zbl 0722.00031 [4] Fang, K. T.; Kotz, S.; Ng, K. W., Symmetric Multivariate and Related Distribution (1990), Chapman & Hall: Chapman & Hall London · Zbl 0699.62048 [5] Fang, K. T.; Wang, Y., Number-Theoretic Methods in Statistics (1994), Chapman & Hall: Chapman & Hall London · Zbl 0925.65263 [6] Frees, E. W.; Carriere, J.; Valdez, E., Annuity valuation with dependent mortality, J. Risk Insurance, 63, 229-261 (1996) [7] Johnson, M. E., Multivariate Statistical Simulation (1987), Wiley: Wiley New York · Zbl 0604.62056 [8] Jouini, M. N.; Clemen, R. T., Copula models for aggregating expert opinions, Oper. Res., 44, 444-457 (1996) · Zbl 0864.90067 [9] Kotz, S., Some remarks on copulas in relation to modern multivariate analysis, 1997 International Symposium on Contemporary Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications (1997) [10] Kotz, S.; Seeger, J. P., A new approach to dependence in multivariate distributions, (Dall’Aglio, G.; Kotz, S.; Salinetti, G., Advance in Probability Distributions with Given Marginals (1991), Kluwer Academic: Kluwer Academic Dordrecht), 13-50 · Zbl 0733.60024 [11] Kruskal, W. H., Ordinal measures of association, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 53, 814-861 (1958) · Zbl 0087.15403 [12] Krzysztofowicz, R.; Kelly, K. S., Technical Report (1996) [13] Lehmann, E. L., Some concepts of dependence, Ann. Math. Statist., 37, 1137-1153 (1966) · Zbl 0146.40601 [14] Lovie, A. D., Who discovered Spearman’s rank correlation, British J. Math. Statist. Psych., 48, 255-269 (1995) · Zbl 0858.62046 [15] Nelsen, R. B., On measures of association as measures of positive dependence, Statist. Probab. Lett., 14, 269-274 (1992) · Zbl 0761.62075 [16] Nelsen, R. B., An Introduction to Copulas (1998), Springer-Verlag: Springer-Verlag New York [17] Schweizer, B., Thirty years of copulas, (Dall’Aglio, G.; Kotz, S.; Salinetti, G., Advance in Probability Distributions with Given Marginals (1991), Kluwer Academic: Kluwer Academic Dordrecht), 13-50 · Zbl 0727.60001 [18] Sklar, A., Fonctions de répartition à \(n\) dimensions et leurs marges, Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris, 8, 229-231 (1959) · Zbl 0100.14202 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.