
Hyperbolic secants yield Gabor frames. (English) Zbl 1005.42021

It is proved that if \(g(x)= (\pi \gamma/2)^{1/2} (\cosh \pi \gamma t)^{-1}\) for some \(\gamma >0\), then the Gabor system \(\{e^{2\pi imbx}g(x-na)\}_{m,n\in Z}\) is a frame for \(L^2(R)\) for all \(0<ab<1.\) The result is proved by Zak-transform methods, combined with the Ron-Shen criterion for Gabor frames, formulated in the time-domain. In the critical case \(ab=1\) no frame is obtained. Surprisingly, it turns out that the formula for the canonical dual in the limit case \(ab=1\) equals the corresponding limit for the Gaussian.


42C40 Nontrigonometric harmonic analysis involving wavelets and other special systems


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