
Ten lectures on wavelets. Transl. from the English by E. V. Mishchenko, ed. by A. P. Petukhov. (Desyat’ lektsij po vejvletam.) (Russian) Zbl 1006.42030

Moskva: NITS, Regulyarnaya i Khaoticheskaya Dinamika. 464 p. (2001).
See the review of the English original (1992) in Zbl 0776.42018.


42C40 Nontrigonometric harmonic analysis involving wavelets and other special systems
46E35 Sobolev spaces and other spaces of “smooth” functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems
42-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces


Zbl 0776.42018