Burger, Marc; Mozes, Shahar Lattices in product of trees. (English) Zbl 1007.22013 Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 92, 151-194 (2000). The authors study the structure of lattices in products \(\text{Aut }T_1\times \text{Aut }T_2\) of automorphism groups of regular trees. These lattices have a rich structure theory parallel to the theory of lattices in semisimple Lie groups and exhibiting some new phenomena. In Chapter 1 the authors show that the object corresponding to torsion-free, discrete subgroups of \(\text{Aut }T_1\times \text{Aut }T_2\) is square complex, with additional structure. In Chapter 2 they consider irreducible cocompact lattices with locally quasi-primitive projections. In Chapter 3 they obtain certain cohomological vanishing results for irreducible lattices with locally quasi-primitive projections. In Chapter 4 they prove that every nontrivial normal subgroup of a lattice whose projections satisfy stronger transitivity conditions is of finite index. In Chapter 5 they produce effective sufficient conditions on a finite square complex ensuring that its fundamental group is of a certain natural type. In Chapter 6 they construct, for every \(n\geq 15\), \(m\geq 19\), a square complex \(X_{n,m}\) on one vertex whose fundamental group has dense projections. Reviewer: B.M.Schein (Fayetteville) Cited in 3 ReviewsCited in 104 Documents MSC: 22D12 Other representations of locally compact groups 22E40 Discrete subgroups of Lie groups 20G35 Linear algebraic groups over adèles and other rings and schemes Keywords:lattices; automorphism groups of regular trees; irreducible cocompact lattices × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML References: [1] A. E. Brouwer, A. M. Cohen, A. Neumaier,Distance Regular Graphs, Ergebnisse, 3. Folge, Band 18, Springer 1989. · Zbl 0747.05073 [2] M. Burger, S. Mozes, CAT(-1)-spaces, divergence groups and their commensurators,J. Amer. Math. 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