
Singular values of trilinear forms. (English) Zbl 1008.47002

The authors address the following problem. Let \(T:{\mathcal H}_1\times{\mathcal H}_2\times{\mathcal H}_3\to{\mathbb C}\) be a trilinear form, where \({\mathcal H}_1,{\mathcal H}_2,{\mathcal H}_3\) are separable Hilbert spaces. Find the norm \(\|T\|=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1, \|y\|\leq 1,\|z\|\leq 1}|T(x,y,z)|\). If at least two of the Hilbert spaces are finite dimensional, the authors show that \(\|T\|^2\) is a root of a certain algebraic equation (called the millennial equation). More generally, the authors consider singular values of trilinear forms and work out the case when the spaces are all two dimensional. Some conjectures are advanced, suggested by computer experiments.


47A07 Forms (bilinear, sesquilinear, multilinear)
42A16 Fourier coefficients, Fourier series of functions with special properties, special Fourier series
47A75 Eigenvalue problems for linear operators


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