
On curvature properties of quasi-Einstein hypersurfaces in semi-Euclidean spaces. (English) Zbl 1008.53020

This paper is part of an ongoing research programme of the authors and their collaborators concerning curvature properties of pseudo-symmetry type. Here they consider hypersurfaces \(M\) in semi-Euclidean spaces which are quasi-Einstein, i.e., their Ricci tensor \(S\) is of the form \(S=\alpha g+\beta w\otimes w\) where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are real numbers, \(g\) is the metric tensor and \(w\) a one-form on \(M\). In particular, the interplay between properties of the shape operator of such hypersurfaces and curvature properties is studied.


53B20 Local Riemannian geometry
53B25 Local submanifolds
53B30 Local differential geometry of Lorentz metrics, indefinite metrics
53C25 Special Riemannian manifolds (Einstein, Sasakian, etc.)