Chajda, Ivan; Eigenthaler, Günther; Länger, Helmut Congruence classes in universal algebra. (English) Zbl 1014.08001 Research and Exposition in Mathematics. 26. Lemgo: Heldermann Verlag. x, 217 p. (2003). The book provides a collection of recent results dealing with congruence relations and congruence classes. Important statements concerning congruences and congruence classes, as well as connections to subalgebras and ideals are presented in the text.Areas featured in the book are: congruence conditions, congruence classes and subalgebras, extension properties of congruences and their classes, regularity and its modifications, coherence and its modifications, characterizations of congruence classes, ideals in universal algebras, directly decomposable congruence classes, one-block congruences.The book gives an excellent introduction and survey of this part of universal algebra. Reviewer: Jaromír Duda (Brno) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 38 Documents MSC: 08-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to general algebraic systems 08A30 Subalgebras, congruence relations 08A05 Structure theory of algebraic structures 08B05 Equational logic, Mal’tsev conditions 08B10 Congruence modularity, congruence distributivity 08A40 Operations and polynomials in algebraic structures, primal algebras Keywords:variety; Mal’tsev condition; congruence relations; congruence classes; subalgebras; ideals; coherence × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF