Gaál, István Power integral bases in cubic relative extensions. (English) Zbl 1014.11080 Exp. Math. 10, No. 1, 133-139 (2001). In a series of papers the author, alone or in cooperation with other authors, investigated algorithms for computing relative power integral bases in cubic, quartic, quintic and some sextic, octic and nonic fields. The enumerative method of K. Wildanger’s thesis (TU Berlin, 1997; Zbl 0912.11061) made it possible to extend these computations from cubic and quartic fields also to higher degree fields. The author and M. Pohst determined relative power integral bases in quartic relative extensions; as a result, when the base field is quadratic, all power integral bases of octic fields were determined. In the present paper the author considers the question of determining relative power bases in relative cubic extensions. The problem reduces to solving relative Thue equations with a method of the author and Pohst, which is based on the enumeration method of Wildanger. From the author’s introduction: “We make interesting computational experiences about Wildanger’s ellipsoid method. Surprisingly the method allows to determine relative power integral bases even for sextic base fields (in the totally real case) as illustrated by the examples. For sextic base fields the resolution of the corresponding Thue equation yields solving a unit equation of \(r=12\) unknown exponents. Note that formerly such equations were solved only with at most \(r=10\) unknowns and it was not obvious that the method works with \(r>10\). The computational experiences show that \(r=12\) is very likely the limit of the method”. Reviewer: Nikos Tzanakis (Iraklion) Cited in 6 Documents MSC: 11Y40 Algebraic number theory computations 11R21 Other number fields 11R04 Algebraic numbers; rings of algebraic integers Keywords:power integral base; relative extension; relative Thue equation Citations:Zbl 0912.11061 Software:KANT/KASH × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML EMIS References: [1] DOI: 10.1006/jsco.1996.0126 · Zbl 0886.11070 · doi:10.1006/jsco.1996.0126 [2] DOI: 10.1006/jsco.1995.1038 · Zbl 0857.11068 · doi:10.1006/jsco.1995.1038 [3] DOI: 10.1090/S0025-5718-96-00708-9 · Zbl 0857.11069 · doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-96-00708-9 [4] DOI: 10.4153/CMB-1998-025-3 · Zbl 0951.11012 · doi:10.4153/CMB-1998-025-3 [5] Gaál I., Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comp. 18 pp 61– (1999) [6] DOI: 10.1006/jsco.1999.0356 · Zbl 0983.11077 · doi:10.1006/jsco.1999.0356 [7] Gaál I., Acta Arith. 89 pp 379– (1999) [8] DOI: 10.1006/jsco.1996.0060 · Zbl 0873.11025 · doi:10.1006/jsco.1996.0060 [9] DOI: 10.1090/S0025-5718-97-00868-5 · Zbl 0899.11064 · doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-97-00868-5 [10] Gaál I., ”On the resolution of relative Thue equations” · Zbl 0985.11070 [11] DOI: 10.1006/jnth.2000.2541 · Zbl 0993.11055 · doi:10.1006/jnth.2000.2541 [12] DOI: 10.2307/2008731 · Zbl 0677.10013 · doi:10.2307/2008731 [13] DOI: 10.1006/jsco.1993.1064 · Zbl 0808.11023 · doi:10.1006/jsco.1993.1064 [14] DOI: 10.1006/jnth.1996.0035 · Zbl 0853.11023 · doi:10.1006/jnth.1996.0035 [15] Wildanger K., Dissertation, in: ”Über das Lösen von Einheiten-und Indexformgleichungen in algebraischen Zahlkörpern mit einer Anwendung auf die Bestimmung aller ganzen Punkte einer Mordellschen Kurve” (1997) · Zbl 0912.11061 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.