Regazzini, Eugenio; Guglielmi, Alessandra; Di Nunno, Giulia Theory and numerical analysis for exact distributions of functionals of a Dirichlet process. (English) Zbl 1018.62011 Ann. Stat. 30, No. 5, 1376-1411 (2002). Summary: The distribution of a mean or, more generally, of a vector of means of a Dirichlet process is considered. Some characterizing aspects of this paper are: (i) a review of a few basic results, providing new formulations free from many of the extra assumptions considered to date in the literature, and giving essentially new, simpler and more direct proofs; (ii) new numerical evaluations, with any prescribed error of approximation, of the distribution at issue; (iii) a new form for the law of a vector of means.Moreover, as applications of these results, we give: (iv) the sharpest condition sufficient for the distribution of a mean to be symmetric; (v) forms for the probability distribution of the variance of the Dirichlet random measure; (vi) some hints for determining the finite-dimensional distributions of a random function connected with Bayesian methods for queuing models. Cited in 32 Documents MSC: 62E15 Exact distribution theory in statistics 65C60 Computational problems in statistics (MSC2010) 62F15 Bayesian inference 62E17 Approximations to statistical distributions (nonasymptotic) Keywords:Dirichlet process; distribution of vectors of linear functionals; numerical approximation of exact distributions × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] ANDREWS, G. E., ASKEY, R. and ROY, R. (1999). Special Functions. Cambridge Univ. Press. · Zbl 0920.33001 [2] BILODEAU, M. and BRENNER, D. (1999). Theory of Multivariate Statistics. Springer, New York. · Zbl 0930.62054 [3] CIFARELLI, D. M. and MELILLI, E. (2000). Some new results for Dirichlet priors. Ann. Statist. 28 1390-1413. · Zbl 1105.62303 · doi:10.1214/aos/1015957399 [4] CIFARELLI, D. M. and REGAZZINI, E. (1978). Problemi statistici non parametrici in condizioni di scambiabilità parziale: impiego di medie associative. 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