
Duality and quasi-normability for complexity spaces. (English) Zbl 1022.54018

The authors continue their study of dual complexity spaces, see [Topology Appl. 98, 311-322 (1999; Zbl 0941.54028)]. In particular, they show that the dual complexity space (in the general case where it is considered a subspace of \(F^\omega\), where \(F\) is any bi-Banach norm-weightable space) admits the structure of a quasi-normed semilinear space such that the induced quasi-metric space is order-convex, upper weightable and Smyth complete. They also investigate completeness of the quasi-metric of uniform convergence and of the Hausdorff quasi-pseudometric for the dual complexity space, in the context of function spaces and hyperspaces, respectively.


54E50 Complete metric spaces
46E15 Banach spaces of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions
54E15 Uniform structures and generalizations
54C35 Function spaces in general topology


Zbl 0941.54028
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