
Constructions of triangular and quadrangular polyhedra of inscribable type. (English) Zbl 1023.52001

Summary: A polyhedron \(P\) is of inscribable type if there exists a polyhedron \(P^\ast \) combinatorially isomorphic to \(P\) and a sphere \(\gamma \) such that all the vertices of \(P^\ast \) belong to \(\gamma \).
There has been some effort to characterize both the inscribable and non-inscribable types of polyhedra in the literature. In the present paper two sufficient conditions for a polyhedron to be of inscribable type are given. The conditions are, in fact, constructions of infinite families of triangular and quadrangular polyhedra of inscribable type.
The paper ends with the interesting question whether there are infinitely many pentagonal polyhedra of inscribable type or the dodecahedron is the only one.


52B10 Three-dimensional polytopes


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