
A constitutive model for granular materials with grain crushing and its application to a pyroclastic soil. (English) Zbl 1026.74020

Summary: A constitutive model for granular materials is developed within the framework of strain-hardening elastoplasticity, aiming at describing some of the macroscopic effects of the degradation processes associated with grain crushing. The central assumption of the paper is that, upon loading, the frictional properties of the material are modified as a consequence of changes in grain size distribution. The effects of these irreversible microscopic processes are described macroscopically as accumulated plastic strain. Plastic strain drives the evolution of internal variables which model phenomenologically the changes of mechanical properties induced by grain crushing by controlling the geometry of yield locus and the direction of plastic flow.
An application of the model to Pozzolana Nera is presented. The stress-dilatancy relationship observed for this material is used as a guidance for the formulation of hardening laws. One of the salient features of the proposed model is its capability of reproducing the stress-dilatancy behaviour observed in Pozzolana Nera, for which the minimum value of dilatancy always follows the maximum stress ratio experienced by the material.


74E20 Granularity
74L10 Soil and rock mechanics
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