
An extension property for Banach spaces. (English) Zbl 1028.46020

The authors considers an extension property called ‘property \((E)\)’. A Banach space \(X\) has this property if every bounded linear operator from \(X\) into \(c_0\) extends to a bounded linear operator from \(X^{**}\) into \(c_0\). In Theorem 2.2, the author gives several equivalent formulations, one of which is that weak\(^*\)-null sequences in \(X^*\) lift to weak\(^*\)-null sequences in \(X^{***}\). In Section 3 of the paper the author among other things considers the weak Phillips property. A Banach space \(X\) has this property if for every operator \(T:X^{**}\to c_0\), its restriction to \(X\) is weakly compact. Theorem 3.6 which gives various equivalent formulations of Grothendieck spaces (i.e., spaces where weak\(^*\) and weak sequential convergences coincide in the dual) shows that \(X\) is a Grothendieck space if and only if it has the properties \((E)\) and weak Phillips.


46B03 Isomorphic theory (including renorming) of Banach spaces
46B20 Geometry and structure of normed linear spaces
46B25 Classical Banach spaces in the general theory
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