
Analytical solution of a new class of integral equations. (English) Zbl 1034.45001

The author gives an algorithm for finding analytically the unique solution \(h\in H^{-\alpha}(0,L)\) to the following equation \(Rh= f\), where \(Rh= \int^L_0 R(x,y) h(y)\,dy\), and the kernel \(R(x,y)\) satisfies the equation \(QR= P\delta(x-y)\), \(0\leq x\leq L\).
The above equation is the basic equation of random processes estimation theory. Finally, generalizations of the above equation in the multidimensional case are also considered.


45A05 Linear integral equations
45H05 Integral equations with miscellaneous special kernels
60G60 Random fields
93E10 Estimation and detection in stochastic control theory