Gilbarg, David; Trudinger, Neil S. Elliptic partial differential equations of second order. Reprint of the 1998 ed. (English) Zbl 1042.35002 Classics in Mathematics. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-41160-7/pbk). xiii, 517 p. (2001). From the preface: This revision of the 1983 second edition (see Zbl 0562.35001) corresponds to the Russian edition, published in 1989 [Nauka, Moscow; Zbl 0691.35001], in which we essentially updated the previous version to 1984. The additional text relates to the boundary Hölder derivative estimates of Nikolai Krylov, which provided a fundamental component of the further development of the classical theory of elliptic (and parabolic), fully nonlinear equations in higher dimensions. In our presentation we adapted a simplification of Krylov’s approach due to Luis Caffarelli.The theory of nonlinear elliptic second order equations has continued to flourish during the last fifteen years and, in a brief epilogue to this volume, we signal some of the major advances. Although a proper treatment would necessitate at least another monograph, it is our hope that this book, most of whose text is now more than twenty years old, can continue to serve as background for these and future developments.Since our first edition (see the review in Zbl 0361.35003) we have become indebted to numerous colleagues, all over the globe. It was particularly pleasant in recent years to make and renew friendships with our Russian colleagues, Olga Ladyzhenskaya, Nina Ural’tseva, Nina Ivochkina, Nikolai Krylov and Mikhail Safonov, who have contributed so much to this area. Sadly, we mourn the passing away in 1996 of Ennio De Giorgi, whose brilliant discovery forty years ago opened the door to higher-dimensional nonlinear theory. Cited in 5 ReviewsCited in 3948 Documents MathOverflow Questions: Hölder Gradient Estimates for Linear Elliptic Equations in higher dimensions MSC: 35-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to partial differential equations 35J65 Nonlinear boundary value problems for linear elliptic equations 35B45 A priori estimates in context of PDEs 35J25 Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic equations 35B50 Maximum principles in context of PDEs 35B05 Oscillation, zeros of solutions, mean value theorems, etc. in context of PDEs 47H10 Fixed-point theorems Citations:Zbl 0691.35001; Zbl 0562.35001; Zbl 0361.35003 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF