
On odd Laplace operators. (English) Zbl 1044.58042

The authors consider odd Laplace operators acting on densities of various weights on an odd Poisson (= Schouten) manifold M. They prove that the case of densities of weight 1/2 (half-densities) is distinguished by the existence of a unique odd Laplace operator depending only on a point of an ’orbit space’ of volume forms. The space of volume forms on M is partitioned into orbits by the action of a natural groupoid whose arrows correspond to the solutions of the quantum Batalin-Vilkovisky equations. They compare their situation with that of Riemannian and even Poisson manifolds and show that the square of an odd Laplace operator is a Poisson vector field defining an analog of Weinstein’s ’modular class’.


58J60 Relations of PDEs with special manifold structures (Riemannian, Finsler, etc.)
53D17 Poisson manifolds; Poisson groupoids and algebroids
58B20 Riemannian, Finsler and other geometric structures on infinite-dimensional manifolds
58A50 Supermanifolds and graded manifolds
81T70 Quantization in field theory; cohomological methods