
Prime numbers with a fixed number of one bits or zero bits in their binary representation. (English) Zbl 1046.11089

The paper starts with several historical examples which suggest that proving any general result on the distribution of zero and one bits in the binary representation of prime numbers is a hard task. Thus for instance, it is not proved (yet believed to be true) that the number of primes \(p < x\) with an odd (or even) number of one bits is asymptotically \(\pi(x)/2\).
The author then concentrates on the question of determining asymptotics for the number of primes with a fixed (small) number of one or zero bits in their binary expansion. Let \(P_{k}, Q_{k}\) denote the sets of all the primes with exactly \(k\) one bits, resp. \(k\) zero bits in the binary expansion; the author considers the functions \[ A_{k}(n) = \left| P_{k} \cap \left[ 2^{n}, 2^{n+1} \right]\right| \quad \hbox{ and } \quad B_{k}(n) = \left| Q_{k} \cap \left[ 2^{n}, 2^{n+1} \right]\right|. \] First he derives some raw heuristics for these functions and then the heuristics are compared to experimental values for \(n \leq 200\) and \(k=3, 4\), resp. \(k = 1, 2\). Heuristics and experiment do not match the expectation, and the author investigates several phenomena which may explain some of the divergences. The paper concludes with some obvious open questions.


11Y11 Primality
11A41 Primes
11A67 Other number representations


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