
Approximation of a nonlinear elliptic problem arising in a non-Newtonian fluid flow model in glaciology. (English) Zbl 1046.76002

Summary: The goal is to establish a priori and a posteriori error estimates for numerical approximations of some nonlinear elliptic problems arising in glaciology. The stationary motion of a glacier is given by a non-Newtonian fluid flow model which becomes, in a first two-dimensional approximation, the so-called infinite parallel-sided slab model. The approximation of this model is made by a finite element method with piecewise polynomial functions of degree 1. Numerical results show that the obtained theoretical results are almost optimal.


76A05 Non-Newtonian fluids
76M10 Finite element methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics
65N15 Error bounds for boundary value problems involving PDEs
86A40 Glaciology
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