
Statistical estimation in the proportional hazards model with risk set sampling. (English) Zbl 1047.62089

Summary: D.C. Thomas’ [J. R. Stat. Soc., Ser. A 140, 483–485 (1977)] partial likelihood estimator of regression parameters is widely used in the analysis of nested case-control data with Cox’s model. This paper proposes a new estimator of the regression parameters, which is consistent and asymptotically normal. Its asymptotic variance is smaller than that of Thomas’ estimator away from the null. Unlike some other existing estimators, the proposed estimator does not rely on any more data than strictly necessary for Thomas’ estimator and is easily computable from a closed form estimating equation with a unique solution. The variance estimation is obtained as minus the inverse of the derivative of the estimating function and therefore inference is easily available. A numerical example is provided in support of the theory.


62N02 Estimation in survival analysis and censored data
62M10 Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)
62F12 Asymptotic properties of parametric estimators
62J05 Linear regression; mixed models


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