Doi, Shin-ichi Smoothing effect for Schrödinger evolution equation via commutator algebra. (English) Zbl 1054.58012 Sémin. Équ. Dériv. Partielles, Éc. Polytech., Cent. Math., Palaiseau 1996-1997, Exp. No. XX, 15 p. (1997). From the introduction: This article concerns smoothing effects of dispersive evolution equations, especially Schrödinger evolution equations associated with complete Riemannian metrics. Our aim is to clarify the relationship between the global behavior of the Hamilton flow of the principal symbol and the smoothing effects specified later. More precisely we consider two problems. Problem 1: Define for the complete Riemannian metric \(g\) the subset \(S(g)\) of the unit cotangent bundle where a certain microlocal smoothing effect of the associated Schrödinger evolution group does not hold, and describe it as precisely as possible in terms of the geodesic flow. Problem 2: Prove (higher order) smoothing effects not only for metrics with short range perturbation of the Euclidean metric but also for other types of metrics including (i) metrics with long range perturbation of the Euclidean metric, (ii) conformally compact metrics, (iii) metrics of warped products. Cited in 1 Document MSC: 58J10 Differential complexes 58J20 Index theory and related fixed-point theorems on manifolds 35J10 Schrödinger operator, Schrödinger equation 47D06 One-parameter semigroups and linear evolution equations 47F05 General theory of partial differential operators × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Numdam EuDML