
Theory of scheduling. (English) Zbl 1058.90500

Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. x, 294 p. (1967).
Table of Contents: Ch. 1: Problems of sequence (pp. 1–8); Ch. 2: Measures for schedule evaluation (pp. 9–21); Ch. 3: Finite sequencing for a single machine (pp. 22–52); Ch. 4: Further problems with one operation per job (pp. 53–79); Ch. 5: Flow shop scheduling (pp. 80–102); Ch. 6: The general \(n/m\) job-shop problem (pp. 103–131); Ch. 7: General network problems related to scheduling (pp. 132–140); Ch. 8: Selection disciplines in a single-server queueing system (pp. 141–190); Ch. 9: Single-server queueing systems with setup classes (pp. 191–207); Ch. 10: Multiple-server queueing models (pp. 208–218); Ch. 11: Experimental investigation of the continuous job-shop process (pp. 219–248); Bibliography (pp. 249–258); Appendix A: The Laplace-Stieltjes transform of a distribution function (pp. 259–260); Appendix B: Experimental results: \(n/m\) job-shop problem (pp. 261–281); Appendix C: Experimental results: continuous-process job-shop problem (pp. 282–290).
See also the review of the reprint Zbl 1056.90001


90-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming
90B10 Deterministic network models in operations research
68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems


Zbl 1056.90001