
Asymptotics of some classes of nonoscillatory solutions of second-order half-linear differential equations. (English) Zbl 1062.34035

Let \(u^{\gamma*}\) stand for \(| u| ^{\gamma-1}\operatorname{sgn}u\), for \(u\in\mathbb{R}\) and \(\gamma>0\). By using Banach’s fixed-point theorem, the authors prove that under some conditions the following half-linear differential equation \[ (| y'| ^{\alpha-1}y')'+q(t)| y| ^{\alpha-1}y=0,\quad t\geq0, \] has a nonoscillatory solution of the form \[ y(t)=\exp\left(\int_{t_0}^t(v(s)+Q(s))^{1/\alpha*}ds\right),\quad t\geq t_0, \] where \(v(t)\) is a solution of the integral equation \[ v(t)=\alpha\int_t^\infty(v(s)+Q(s))^{1+1/\alpha}ds,\quad t\geq t_0, \] and \(Q(t)=\int_t^\infty q(s)ds\).
They also find an asymptotic formula for the solution above. Some applications of the results are provided.


34C10 Oscillation theory, zeros, disconjugacy and comparison theory for ordinary differential equations