El-Naby, M. A. Abd; Elbarbary, Elsayed M. E.; Abdelazem, Nader Y. Finite difference solution of radiation effects on MHD unsteady free-convection flow over vertical plate with variable surface temperature. (English) Zbl 1064.76101 J. Appl. Math. 2003, No. 2, 65-86 (2003). Summary: An analysis is performed to study radiation effects on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) unsteady free-convection flow past a semi-infinite vertical plate with variable surface temperature in the presence of transversal uniform magnetic field. The boundary layer equations are transformed into a linear algebraic system by an implicit finite difference method. A parametric study is performed to illustrate the influence of radiation parameter, magnetic parameter, and Prandtl number on velocity and temperature profiles. The numerical results reveal that the radiation has significant influences on velocity and temperature profiles, skin friction, and Nusselt number. The results indicate that velocity, temperature, and local and average skin friction increase as the radiation parameter increases, while the local and average Nusselt numbers decrease as the radiation parameter increases. Cited in 7 Documents MSC: 76R10 Free convection 76W05 Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics 76D10 Boundary-layer theory, separation and reattachment, higher-order effects 76M20 Finite difference methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics 78A40 Waves and radiation in optics and electromagnetic theory 80A20 Heat and mass transfer, heat flow (MSC2010) Keywords:transversal magnetic field; boundary layer equations; transversal uniform magnetic field × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML