
On the order of the Mertens function. (English) Zbl 1065.11078

The authors give an interesting account of numerical experiments concerning \[ q(x)={1\over\sqrt x}\sum_{n\leq x}\mu(n), \] where \(\mu(n)\) is the Möbius function. Since \(q(x)\) behaves atypically for small \(x\), in what follows the range concerned is \(10^4\leq x\leq 10^{10^{10}}\), and only ‘increasingly large extrema for \(q\)’ are considered.
For \(x\) with modest size, the value for \(q(x)\) can be computed accurately, and there are seven increasingly large \(q\) values in the range \(10^4\leq x\leq10^{14}\). The first negative one is \(q(24184)=-0{\cdot}462{\ldots}\,\), the fourth one is \(q(71578936427177)=-0{\cdot}524{\ldots}\,\), and the first positive one is \(q(48433)=+0{\cdot}436{\ldots}\,\), the third one is \(q(7766842813)=+0{\cdot}570{\ldots}\,\).
For larger values of \(x\), an approximation \(q_K(x)\) with a parameter \(K\) is computed instead; the definition for \(q_K(x)\) is too involved to be given here, but \(K\) is set as \(10^2,10^4\) and \(10^6\) in the experiments. Naturally care has to be taken to ensure that the approximations being computed do relate to the extreme values being sought after, and although the procedure becomes questionable if one is trying gain insight for an \(O\)-estimate, it is sound when applied to an \(\Omega\)-estimate. An algorithm is given for the delivery of increasingly large values for \(q_K\) in the range \(10^{20}\leq x\leq 10^{10000}\), and a more complicated procedure is involved in the search for the range \(10^{10000}< x\leq 10^{10^{10}}\).
The accompanying figures for extreme values for \(q_K\) show that they lie near \(\pm{1\over2}\sqrt{\log\log\log x}\), although the authors are only prepared to conjecture that \(q(x)=\Omega_{\pm}(\sqrt{\log\log\log x}\,)\). Nevertheless, the conjecture is already in conflict with other conjectures about the order of \(q(x)\), and some discussions are offered concerning whether there is randomness or regularity in the distributions of positive and negative values of \(\mu(n)\).


11N56 Rate of growth of arithmetic functions
11Y35 Analytic computations
11-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to number theory


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