
On the monotone upper bound problem. (English) Zbl 1068.52019

The Monotone Upper Bound Problem asks for the maximum number \(M(d,n)\) of vertices of a \(d\)-dimensional polytope with \(n\) facets which could lie on a monotone path (that is, an edge-path that is strictly monotone with respect to a linear objective function). By McMullen’s Upper Bound Theorem \[ M(d,n)\leq M_{ubt}(d,n), \] where \(M_{ubt}(d,n)\) denotes the number of vertices of a dual-to-cyclic d-dimensional polytope with n facets.
It was recently shown that equality holds for small dimensions, \(d\leq 4\), and for small corank, \(n-d\leq 2\). The authors carry out a detailed analysis of some cases of corank \(n-d=3\) which yields the following result: In dimension \(d=6\), a polytope with \(n=9\) facets can have \(M_{ubt}(6,9)=30\) vertices, but not more than \(M(6,9)\leq 29\) vertices can lie on a monotone path.


52B55 Computational aspects related to convexity
52B35 Gale and other diagrams
90C05 Linear programming
05C20 Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments
05C30 Enumeration in graph theory




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