
A general theory of minimum aberration and its applications. (English) Zbl 1068.62086

Summary: Minimum aberration is an increasingly popular criterion for comparing and assessing fractional factorial designs, and few would question ist importance and usefulness nowadays. In the past decade or so, a great deal of work has been done on minimum aberration and its various extensions. This paper develops a general theory of minimum aberration based on a sound statistical principle. Our theory provides a unified framework for minimum aberration and further extends the existing work in the area. More importantly, the theory offers a systematic method that enables experimenters to derive their own aberration criteria.
Our general theory also brings together two seemingly separate research areas: one on minimum aberration designs and the other on designs with requirement sets. To facilitate the design construction, we develop a complementary design theory for quite a general class of aberration criteria. As an immediate application, we present some construction results on a weak version of this class of criteria.


62K15 Factorial statistical designs


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