
Man-computer methods for solving the multicriteria assignment problem. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1068.90596

Autom. Remote Control 59, No. 7, Part 2, 1016-1031 (1998); translation from Avtom. Telemekh. 1998, No. 7, 135-156 (1998).
Summary: Approaches to the multicriteria assignment problem, which consists of choosing from two sets the pairs of elements that are closest in their characteristics, is discussed. The problem is solved with due regard for the decision maker’s preferences for quality of assignments. The solution is based on analyzing the characteristics of two sets of elements that are estimated by multiple criteria. For the multicriteria assignment problem, a decision support system has been developed, which enables one to analyze the source data, form the domain of admissible decisions, determine the best assignments, and from the set of feasible decisions select interactively the best decision under the given constraints.


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