
Simultaneous approximation by algebraic numbers. (Approximation simultanée par des nombres algébriques.) (French) Zbl 1071.11044

Let \(\xi\) be a transcendental complex number. For each integer \(n\geq 1\), denote by \(w_{n}^{\star}(\xi)\) the supremum of the set of real numbers \(w^{\star}\) such that there exist infinitely many algebraic numbers \(\alpha\), of degree \(\leq n\), satisfying \[ 0<| \xi-\alpha| \leq H(\alpha)^{-w^{\star}-1}, \] where \(H(\alpha)\) is the usual height of \(\alpha\). These numbers were introduced by J. F. Koksma in his classification of transcendental numbers. Next denote by \(\lambda_{n}(\xi)\) the minimum of \(d/(w_{d}^{\star}(\xi)+d)\), where \(d\) ranges over the set of integers \(1\leq d\leq n\) for which \(w_{d}^{\star}(\xi)+d+1\geq 3n/14\). The main result of this paper is that, for \(n\geq 8\), for each sufficiently large integer \(H\), there exists an algebraic number \(\alpha\) of degree \(\leq n\) and height \(\leq H\) such that \[ | \xi-\alpha| \leq\exp\left\{- \frac{n}{70} \lambda_{n}(\xi)\log H \right\}. \] The author deduces several consequences related to simultaneous approximation of transcendental numbers by algebraic numbers.
[Note of the reviewer: At the end of section 2 p. 669, replace twice Corollaire 1 by Corollaire 3].


11J68 Approximation to algebraic numbers
11J13 Simultaneous homogeneous approximation, linear forms


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