
Promethee methods. (English) Zbl 1072.90527

Figueira, José (ed.) et al., Multiple criteria decision analysis. State of the art surveys. New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 0-387-23067-X/hbk). International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 78, 163-195 (2005).
Summary: This paper gives an overview of the PROMETHEE-GAIA methodology for MCDA. It starts with general comments on multicriteria problems, stressing that a multicriteria problem cannot be treated without additional information related to the preferences and the priorities of the decision-makers. The information requested by PROMETHEE and GAIA is particularly clear and easy to define for both decision-makers and analysts. It consists in a preference function associated to each criterion as well as weights describing their relative importance. The PROMETHEE I, the PROMETHEE II complete ranking, as well as the GAIA visual interactive module are then described and commented. The two next sections are devoted to the PROMETHEE VI sensitivity analysis procedure (human brain) and to the PROMETHEE V procedure for multiple selection of alternatives under constraints. An overview of the PROMETHEE GDSS procedure for group decision making is then given. Finally the DECISION LAB software implementation of the PROMETHEE-GAIA methodology is described using a numerical example.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1060.90002].


90B50 Management decision making, including multiple objectives