Kim, Henry H.; Shahidi, Freydoon Cuspidality of symmetric powers with applications. (English) Zbl 1074.11027 Duke Math. J. 112, No. 1, 177-197 (2002). This paper establishes a valuable result in the theory of automorphic forms. It proves a criterion for cuspidality of the fourth symmetric powers of cusp forms on \(\text{GL}_2\). The \(m\)th symmetric power lifting is an instance of Langlands functoriality. It is associated to the \(m\)-th symmetric representation \(\text{Sym}^m: \text{GL}_2(\mathbb{C}) \to \text{GL}_{m+1}(\mathbb{C})\). If \(\pi = \bigotimes_v \pi_v\) is a cuspidal automorphic representation of \(\text{GL}_2(\mathbb{A})\), where \(\mathbb{A}\) is the ring of adeles of a number field \(F\), then by the local Langlands correspondence, \(\text{Sym}^m(\pi_v)\) is well defined for every \(v\). By the functoriality principle, \(\text{Sym}^m(\pi) = \bigotimes_v \text{Sym}^m(\pi_v)\) is an automorphic representation of \(\text{GL}_{m+1}(\mathbb{A})\). This was proved for \(m=2\) by S. Gelbart and H. Jacquet [Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér., IV. Sér. 11, No. 4, 471–542 (1978; Zbl 0406.10022)], for \(m=3\) by H. H. Kim and F. Shahidi [Ann. Math. (2) 155, No. 3, 837–893 (2002; Zbl 1040.11036)], and for \(m=4\) by H. H. Kim [J. Am. Math. Soc. 16, No. 1, 139–183 (2003; Zbl 1018.11024)]. In this paper, the authors give a criterion for cuspidality of \(\text{Sym}^4(\pi)\). Let \(A^4(\pi) = \text{Sym}^4(\pi) \otimes \omega_\pi^{-1}\), where \(\omega_\pi\) is the central character of \(\pi\). The authors prove \(A^4(\pi)\) is not cuspidal if and only if \(\pi\) is of dihedral, tetrahedral or octahedral type. As a consequence, the authors prove a number of results toward the Ramanujan-Petersson and Sato-Tate conjectures. Reviewer: Dubravka Ban (Carbondale) Cited in 4 ReviewsCited in 156 Documents MSC: 11F70 Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global fields 11F30 Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms 11R42 Zeta functions and \(L\)-functions of number fields Keywords:Langlands functoriality; symmetric fourth power; cuspidal automorphic representations; Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture; Sato-Tate conjecture Citations:Zbl 0406.10022; Zbl 1040.11036; Zbl 1018.11024 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] J. Arthur and L. Clozel, Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula , Ann. of Math. Stud. 120 , Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1989. · Zbl 0682.10022 [2] S. Gelbart and H. Jacquet, A relation between automorphic representations of (\GL(2)) and (\GL(3)) , Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 11 (1978), 471–552. · Zbl 0406.10022 [3] D. Ginzburg, S. Rallis, and D. 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